Emotional Light: Using Light and Shadows to Tell Your Story with Jessica Max
Jessica Rasmussen, of Jessica Max, is a lifestyle photographer from northern Michigan. Jessica is excited to come together with Beyond the Wanderlust to bring you her workshop, Emotional Light: Using Light and Shadows to Tell Your Story. The impact dramatic lighting has is what draws Jessica to shooting in such lighting situations, as they impact the stories being told. In her workshop Jessica will help you find these types of light artistically, discover what it is you are drawn to and become fearless in creating artistic images. If you want to learn how to use light and shadows to create mystery and emotion in your images, Jessica hopes you will join her on this journey.
Part I
Learning to see dramatic light artistically
Breaking the norm with light
Shooting what you are drawn to
Why I shoot wide open
Camera settings and modes
Taking your time for the shot
Part II
Shooting in full sun and harsh light
How I use full sun to my advantage
Lens selection
Shooting in low light and shadows
Learning to find light sources
Self portraiture and boudoir
Part III
Shooting and editing
Shooting without a “shot list”
Before and after images
My editing workflow
Part IV
Finding your niche
Why finding your niche is important
Discovering your niche
Materials Received:
112 page PDF workbook
Editing video with Jessica in Lightroom
BTS video with Jessica on a boudoir shoot
Custom Lightroom presets
JoTotes $150 Gift Certificate
Please allow up to 72 hours for delivery of materials after purchase. All workbook material is covered by copyright 2016. No material is eligible for re-sale or to be taught in personal workshops. All exclusive rights belong to Beyond the Wanderlust and Jessica Max. Download link expires after 30 days.